Mixology featured on Forbes.com

Mixology CEO Jordan Edwards is featured on Forbes.com article "Service As A Service: Genuine Service Is Becoming A Major Competitive Advantage" 

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Mixology on Forbes.com

Mixology founder Glenn Edwards and Mixology CEO Jordan Edwards on Tell Me Something Good About Retail

Jordan and Glenn Edwards discuss the importance of embracing the fundamentals while building your retail business. Learn how to incorporate these fundamentals into your business, and much more in this...
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Mixology featured in "Inside Livingston" Magazine!

President Jordan Edwards and Vice President Gabrielle Edwards walk through our Livingston location, highlighting key season trends and sharing our core values as a fashion company.
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Build Your Business One Brick at a Time by Jordan Edwards

Mixology President Jordan Edwards shares his business and entrepreneurial wisdom in an article written for publication Addicted2Success.com Read more here: https://bit.ly/2Z3but9
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Mixology President Jordan Edwards releases inspirational self-help book "This Is It", available on Amazon now!

https://amzn.to/2KxxC6T You have grand entrepreneurial dreams, but uncertainty and fear of failure are holding you back. The fact is, there's no better time to start a new business or expand...
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